I gave my dog a carrot.
She nosed it into the
ground, into the grass
and walked away, having
reached the end of some
dog-algorithm that tells
her a carrot is worth
saving, grass for safe-
keeping, and that I will
always wait to watch,
with two hands and a
face she’s allowed to lick.
Category: Poetry
Not every thought needs
to be expressed. Certainlynot shouted, as though lovers
divided by a widening chasm offlame instead of a cooling dish of
patatas bravas that you found too spicy. -
before your son leaves for college
take him for a walk along the beach.Stay by his side without holding his
hand. As you avoid drift woodsand tides and fly-clouded corpses, drift
away and let his pace outpace yours.Step in his footprints. Notice that his
feet have outgrown yours. Notice thatyour stride can match his stride.
Notice that it’s not worth the effort. -
Certainly, O Dark-Souled Dane, a hintish
tickle of rank and foetid currentsweeping beneath your kingdom’s feet, but have
you, Unsettled Prince, sensed what stirsacross the ocean? A waft of acrid faith
twined with sourful pride beneath a hazeof festerous free, towering rot. Not some
thing, but many. Many things. -
Look askance, all you
want, at a people who
draped their cats as
queens, in gold and lapis
and jasper and jade,or shaved their eyebrows
in lamenting grief when
their whiskered royals
sauntered through Duat to
bask beneath Ra’s passing,but have you, a lap
among a sea of laps, ever
been so richly blessed by
an ambivalent god brushing
against your shins?